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Founded in Hong Kong in 1966, Playmates Toys is one of the leading toy marketers in the world today. Download Luke Filewalker Antivirus here. U He Diva 1 3 Keygen Download. Over the past 45 years, Playmates has brought to market a number of toy brands that defined generations of kids, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Waterbabies, Star Trek, Simpsons, Space Jam, Nano, and the Amazing dolls, among others. Despite the inherent volatility of the promotional toy industry, Playmates Toys has remained a market leader, guided by the operating principles of creativity, flexibility and simplicity. Today, Playmates continues to build upon a strong and focused brand portfolio, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Company was founded as Playmates Industrial in 1966, as primarily a doll manufacturing subcontractor for US and European toy marketers.

By the mid-1970s, Playmates had earned a reputation as a leading supplier of top quality dolls. Flying Free Don Besig Pdf Converter. In 1978, Playmates took an important step toward becoming a global toymaker by establishing a sales force in Boston to market and distribute its own lines of dolls and preschool toys, Li’l Playmates. In December 1984, Playmates became the first toy company to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange, under the ticker 0075. A portion of the capital raised was used to establish a new marketing and distribution center in California, with the goal of preparing the Company to enter the promotional toy segments of the industry. Two years later, Playmates had its first big success in promotional toys with Cricket, the first ever interactive doll to be brought to the mass market.

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