Manual Cafeteira Vice Versa
Hi there, As far as i am aware all the vice versa places do not carry spares for the koala machines anymore. Natural Reader Install Voices. Medically Underserved Areas By Zip Code. Im in scotland and tried, UK, Hong Kong, Italy, Spain and a couple of other with no luck whatsoever. I am a domestic coffee machine engineer and over the past few months have picked up some koala machines from here and there.
If you contact David at and let me know what it is you are after, i can see if i have it and get it sent out to you at best prices and cheap postage. How To Run Asa In Gns3 & Install Asdm. Don't worry i distribute worldwide and have had no problems so far. Let me know what you think. All the best David The Domestic Coffee Service Answered on May 03, 2011. Fill the reservoir overnight with a half-half mix of white vinegar and water, then run it for a few minutes until it boils, try and turn the knob for the frother. Turn the machine off and let it cool enough to empty the vinegar solution out, rinse a few times including running to boiling, and hopefully the calcium buildup which is almost certainly causing your problem will be cleared. If not, try again with 100% white vinegar, and if you can figure out how to take the frother nozzle and/or arm off the machine then soak them too.