Motorola Radius M110 Manual Muscle


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Motorola Radius Cp200

Motorola Radius M110 VHF FM PMR transceiver modified to an amateur radio Turn a professional 2m VHF FM PMR transceiver Motorola Radius M110 into an amateur radio Modification by Beno S56KZN and Aleks S56AL W A R N I N G - All modifications described on this page are performed to your own risk. Authors can not overtake any responsibility of any sort of the possible damages that would result from unskilfully performed modifications, described on this web page. The PMR VHF transceiver Motorola Radius M110 (in further text referred as M110) was manufactured by Motorola GmbH therefore being an European radio. Since many professional radio service users has replaced this transceiver with newer gear, a considerable number of M110 has appeared on HAM flea markets. M110 is a simple yet fine transceiver with pretty good receiving performance and it would be a waste to throw it away or to use it just as a source of electronic components instead of giving it a new life in the HAM shack. Check a, the new and front pannel For additional information on Motorola Radius M110 please visit also The modification described on this page is not just a reprogramming of the existing 9 channels of the M110 to HAM frequencies.