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Hi Pete, I have the latest Windows8.1 installed RTM version to be released 17 Oct. I am getting a random crash of FSX, sometimes I am flying by hand, other times the aircraft is cruising and I am not touching any controls, then FSX crash and reset to the start-up screen. I don't know if any of this info will help?

Pete, I have just performed a P3D v2.5 fresh install and I have installed FSUIPC 4.939j (this is side by side installation with FSX). I have entered the re. Download Link: How To Download FSUIPC foe free and install it Sory my english:D.

It seems to be always the same error message as in the attached txt file. Regards Jannie The information would be useful if it related to the currently supported version of FSUIPC, i.e. Perhaps you could retry after updating, and let me have the same data which I can then possibly use? BTW, please note that the Log file you supplied does actually show a perfectly normal session with a tidy ending, so maybe it doesn't relate to the crash? Unfortunately I am away on holiday in a few hours, back Monday 23rd September. Please ALWAYS check that you are using the current version before asking for support. It saves time.

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Regards Pete. Hi Pete, Sorry I did not check for new version, I actually make a habit of checking regularly, must have had a momentarily brain freeze.

I will update and let you know if there is still a problem. I think the log file shows intact, because, FSX crashes and then automatically restarts and I have to close it, so I end up with a new log file. Enjoy your holiday and have a safe one. Cheers, Jannie Hmmm, maybe, but the successful closure was after a session lasting 42 minutes, as you can see: 4641 System time = 16:40:26. 2540500 System time = 17:22:42, Simulator time = 17:22:36 (15:22Z) Regards Pete.

Benokraitis Marriages And Families Pdf Viewer. This time I was using FSX default built in weather, so that eliminate my FSGWX theory. The crash information is useful, but not conclusive. On the face of it the crash is occurring when FSUIPC tries to process some message from SimConnect which appears to be an AI Traffic Add/Remove notification.

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Dvd Fab Passkey Lite. But the data SimConnect provides is the wrong length. However, this makes no sense to me. I suppose it could happen with a corrupted Traffic file, but it seems unlikely. Another explanation which is possible, I suppose, is that somehow the wrong part of my code is getting executed for a different SimConnect notification. I can't see how at present. Whatever it may be, it is certainly related to SimConnect data in FSUIPC's hands. I made one very very small change to test for the latter idea.

Please download and see if that's any different. Just place the DLL in the FSX Modules folder and run the test again. If it doesn't help I need more information. As a first step, please add these lines to the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file: Debug=Please LogExtras=16384 This will produce a large log file, but I just need the last few lines before it crashes. Hi Pete, Thanks for coming back about this. Unfortunately I would not be able to test this due to the nature of my work, Windows 8.1 and its issues are now on the back burner and will be revisited at a later stage. For the moment I am continuing work on Windows 7.

When I get back to testing on Win8.1 and still experience crash issues at that stage I will return to this post with comments on the then current released version of FSUIPC4. Just so you know, no AI was used in any form, all default AI was turned off/disabled and no 3rd party AI was used.