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— Epic Rocking is the phenomenon where bands release really long songs that either seem to twist and change gears a million times before ending, or just manage to sustain themselves for their prolonged duration. More common in the '60s / rock era and in the '70s period. Also quite common in many forms of, particularly in the realm of,, and, as well as most forms of music (seriously, in the metal genre—apart from,, and — long tracks are easily more the rule than the exception).

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This trope is the polar opposite of: Instead of a short song with lyrics and catchy beat that anybody can play, these bands focus on deliberately complex songs where playing is a matter of superior technical skill and everything else is secondary to the instrumental showmanship and considerations of the sound itself, even lyrics. Dukeminier 6th Edition Property Outline Rabin. Note There are exceptions, however; were notorious for building epic-length songs on as little as a single chord..

When there are lyrics, expect an to precede them. Songs featuring this trope also often feature, since changing time signatures helps maintain the listener's attention in a longer composition, and (which is the same thing, but for key signatures). Fiskars Telescoping Pruning Stik Manually here. Done right, they maintain the listener's attention and sound really cool, sometimes. Done poorly, they just ramble, cause yawning, and suffer chronic. Put Epic Rocking in a and you have an instant. This trope also has the subtrope 'Epic Jamming', which is. Only studio versions are included, since live examples would bloat the list to hell.