Breezes Of Confirmation Pdf Editor
Breezes of Confirmation, along with its sister books, Walking the Straight Path and Drawing on the Power of the Word, strives to create within the youth the moral structures that will underlie their decisions and guide their actions as they mature into young adults and active members of society. The materials seek to impart essential moral concepts and build certain attitudes required to live a fruitful and rewarding life. Breezes of Confirmation represents a modest beginning in this long-term educational process. World Air Transport Statistics 56th Edition Cnn. It tells the story of Musonda, a young girl who has just turned 13, and her older cousin Rose, who has come to visit for the school holidays. Together with Musonda's brother Godwin and his friend Chishimba, the girls think about their future and discuss their hopes and possibilities.
A theme that runs throughout the story is that of making an effort and receiving God's confirmations. This is just one of the many possible themes on which young people need to reflect in order to develop sound moral reasoning. Breezes of Confirmation is one book in a series prepared for junior youth.
It is the outcome of the ongoing work of the William Mmutle Masetlha Foundation, a member of Development Learning Association, in the rural areas of Zambia where it is helping to develop the capacities of youth and preparing them to make the critical passage from childhood to adolescence. The Foundation's activities in that country date back nearly two decades. Artbeats Hd Rapidshare Search. Through a range of programs in various fileds, including health and education, it has been striving systematically to contribute to the material and spiritual progress of the Zambian people.
Download and Read Breezes Of Confirmation Breezes Of Confirmation New updated! The breezes of confirmation from the best author and publisher is now available here. Breezes Of Confirmation Pdf Writer. - Cyber Twin Patch Editor Salary; - Practical English Usage Rar;.
One of the interesting features of the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program () is the fact that the arts are used to explore the various concepts presented in the series of books the particpants go through. While the use of the arts is something which happens organically and the participants themselves are encouraged to come up with artistic ways and ideas to explore these concepts, sometimes sharing ideas of activities can help to get things going. So if you’ve got a junior youth group and are looking for some more ideas of activities to help you jump-start those creative engines, here are three ideas we’ve used with our junior youth groups which are a lot of fun and may help! Do What You Are Paul Tieger Pdf Viewer.
Yarn Activity What you need: A ball of yarn or string, junior youth, and an animator! Book 5 teaches us that, “everything we do in the spirit of helping others can be considered service.” With this in mind it shows us that service is quite a broad concept and can be explored in many ways. To help our junior youth group advance their understanding about service, we got a ball of yarn and asked all the junior youth to stand up in a circle. When everyone was standing we asked them each to think about what their role in the community is and what would they like to be when they grow up (eg: teacher, doctor, musician, etc.). Each person then goes around and says to the group what their role is or will be in the future.
Afterwards, one person starts with yarn in hand and, again repeats their role in the community, holds on to part of the yarn and then passes the ball of yarn to another one of their friends. Upon passing the ball of yarn they must state how they are being of service to the person they are passing the yarn to (for example: As a doctor in this community, I serve the teacher by helping him/her when they are sick.) This continues until everyone has received and passed the ball of yarn and you are left with a web-like structure in the middle of the circle of friends. They key part of this activity is to ask one junior youth to drop their portion of the yarn and then it shows that the whole web falls apart. This shows that, as human beings, we all depend on each other because we are all members of one human family – and if we do not all do not support and be of service to each other, everything falls apart. Ladder Activity What you need: Popsicle sticks, glue, markers/texters, junior youth, and an animator! The idea of ‘what we want to be when we get older’ is brought up many times throughout the junior youth program. Musonda and Rose talk about it so often in Breezes of Confirmation that it gets us thinking!