My Pokemon Ranch Italian
It came to me to show a daily process of the amount of Pokemon in the ranch by giving y'all a parade.hope you might see your favorite Pokemon along the way in the video.maybe every 3 -5 days worth of video to do a a parade, do you agree the idea? Ccgen Executive Branch here. Heads up sorry for being very late with uploading more videos of my Pokemon ranch.
For some reason the game wouldn't play at times and say the files is missing like my saved data was gone. Hopefully it doesn't get corrupt because were goal is to get all 493 Pokemon including each form like all the unknowns and deoxys forms.

MY POKEMON RANCH. My Pokemon Ranch is a spin-off video game for the Nintendo Wii, available via the WiiWare Download Service. It isn't a video game per se, but more. UPDATE 4: About Japanesse My Pokemon Ranch: - Region code seems to be 0x00 for normal japanesse my pokemon ranch. Seems totally compatible with the other ve. More My Pokemon Ranch Italian videos.