Vera Serial Interface Garam
Vera -Estrella, and Omar. The Serial Insteon PowerLinc Modem is a serial-based home automation interface that allows PC- and. KS RCK-K Hearth Products. Vera Serial Interface Cards. Max sensors in Vera scenes. The serial interface is not installed by default but can be ordered from any Power. Max vendor for about. Vera Serial Interface. Plug-in Serial Interface Module allows you to. Getting information to display in a user interface. Modern Methods For Robust Regression Pdf Converter. P messaging system Vera uses.
Hi all, Vera Edge/UI7, Arduino Nano, serial gateway sketch pretty much unchanged. I'm toying with the idea of switching from a Ethernet gateway to a serial gateway.
After spending time with Vera support to get the USB port enabled on my Edge/UI7 device (long story, well documented in the Vera forums), I can finally try. With the original Arduino Vera files (the XML and JSON config files), I can create the device, re-load luup, pick the device in the drop down list box in order to associate it with the serial port, and then re-load luup. When luup is reloading, I get stuck with a line at the top that says 'select serial port' (or something like that, can't remember exact error.
It seems that me selecting the serial port in the UI doesn't 'stick'). I noticed that there was a branch of the Vera files in GitHub that says it's specifically for UI7.
I downloaded them, and uploaded them to Vera, and restarted luup. My Ethernet gateway still works, and now has prettier icons:-). However, when I try to create a new device for my serial gateway, it doesn't work. I click on Apps->Develop Apps->Create Device and type D_Arduino1.xml in the 'Upnp Device Filename' field.
I click Create Device and I get a pop-up from Vera saying the device was created. But nothing happens.
No device gets created. I re-load Luup. Nothing happens. Still no device. Pretty much acts as if I did nothing. (I'm obviously not keeping both gateways long term.
As soon as I get the serial GW created, I'm dumping the other one. But right now, I haven't yet deleted the Ethernet one. Think that's the issue?). Thanks for the response. - I've been working with them on the connectivity issues. About three weeks now of back and forth (but very little work, they just go dark for days at a time ).
Download Free Down And Up Mass Program Jim Stoppani Supplements. They've enabled the USB port so that I can at least configure the connection. But it still doesn't work. I'll keep working with them on the connectivity. My follow up ping was more around not being able to create a device at all with the UI7 branch of the files (i.e nothing happens which I click 'Create Device'). Sorry that wasn't clear.
Are you saying others have used Vera support for that as well? Or just the connectivity problem? Yeah, I never did get it working, nor find anyone who would tell me they had the same scenario working (vera edge, UI7, serial gateway). I had to work with Vera support to get my USB port enabled at all. Once it was enabled, I tried to get the serial GW working and never did. After over a month corresponding with Vera support (they would go days without responding), they punted and said as far as they were concerned, the serial port was working and I'd need to 'talk to the mysensors folks' to get it all working.
So I was stuck in a loop. However, around that same time I found an old thread that gave me a tip to get my Ethernet gateway stabilized with an alternate implementation off UIPEthernet library.
I can still crash the Ethernet gateway, at will, by telneting into port 5003 and manually sending commands to it for debugging, but since I know that crashes it, I don't do it anymore:-). But if I don't fool with it, it's been working for weeks with zero issues. Also, after a combination of deleting and re-uploading files and most importantly CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE AFTER YOU DO (my one and only tip for you), I've got the UI7 Vera files working too. So, unfortunately I don't have the answer for you (other than make sure you clear your browser cache after uploading the UI7 files) because I got my Ethernet GW stable and abandoned the serial GW. I don't have a Vera edge, but a Vera lite and I found that I could not really trust a serial gw. I don't think the Vera can provide enough current on its USB port so my nano acted strange.
I have decoupled everything with node-red now so all my controllers communicate using ethernet/tcp ports and I once more use a serial gw connected to a raspberrypi (but with the option in node-red to switch to an ethernet gw if I wanted to without changing anything in the controllers). It also makes debugging things a lot easier since all io between gw and controllers can be monitored. Thanks for the response. I've heard that before, about the need to have a genuine FTDI chipset. I had previously dug out the magnifying class and i'm pretty sure my Nano (that didn't work) says 'FTDI' on the serial chipset. (not sure if there is another way to tell).