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ANSWERS Cryptic Quiz 1. ANSWERS Cryptic Quiz 1. What do you call a seafood that drives you home? AZL&XlLB_A& 133 706 12+ 135 lo+ 103 23$ 45$ 83 133 22% 2. What does a skunk bring to church with him? &1_5_LLX&P-E-d 90$ 103 84+ 14+ 71* 46a 8$ 45* 10% 14 46$ 3. What does an English setter use to buy food?
---- A D oliPoclfiIx 13+ 45$ 239 71* 44$ 10: 103 71* 7$. 23% Do each exercise below and find your answer in the code. Each time the answer appears, write the letter of the exercise above it. League Of Legends Slow Download Speed Fix. + 3% + 5: + 2% + 8% + 4; - - - I'i 0 6 5 @ 15$ @ 38% @ 27& 064% + 1% + 74- + 51; + 44* + 19E - @2i mz 90% 89 -$- 08% + i t lo$ 0 9 5 + 34+4q+ @15$ + 29$45t @ 12$ + 3f + 7* 23% @ 205 + 8 5 + 17% ~ 65 @ Last week, minor league pitcher Lefty @ It took Smedley 5+ hours to climb to Spin pitched 7$ innings on Monday the top of a mountain. It took 3 a hours and 5% innings on Friday. How many to climb down. Avast 5 Activation Code Serials. If he spent 13 hours at innings did he pitch last week the top, how long did the climb take?
F&h C-43 TOPIC 3-9. Addong Mixed Numbers. Like Denominators C-45 TOPIC 3-h Adding Mlxed Numbers - C-88., @ ' 9. TOPIC 3.h Addlng Mlxed Numbers c-44 What Do Mountains Breathe Through?
Do each exercise below. Find your answer in the answer columns and notice the letter next to it. Look for this letter in the string of letters near the bottom of the page and CROSS IT OUT each time it appears.
When you finish, write the remaining letters in the rectangle at the bonom of the page. Jumpstart 3d Virtual World The Legend Of Grizzly Macguffins. 09-$ @ 16* 0 8% @20$ @ 13% - 4$ - 7% - 5$ - 34- - 6$ - Z Q UJ X @51$ 0 2 5 5 @37& @67q @4+ - 85. - 125 q3& 19% @18f - 5$)35 0 6 - 28$ 3 - 17 503 7 z - 4 3 - 100 17 100 I - 3$3- 9 @94$ - 49-$+55 @ When Arnold Schwarzenegger was named Mr. Universe, he had a chest measurement of 56 4 inches and a waist measurement of 32 inches. How much larger was his chest than his waist?
-s- @ The maximum weight for a basketball is 22% ounces. For a baseball it is 5+ ounces, and for a tennis ball it is 2 & ounces. How much heavier is a maximum-weight basketball than a maximum-weight baseball? Answers l@l7$ 0 9 6 @45* @13& 0 3% 034% @5$ 024% 0 4 3 6 @3$ @50$ @13& @3$ @% 0 1 3 3 @17+ @& 0 17% @7+ @ 17; @9$ @9& @45* Answer to puzzle: vo L CA NOS F. TOPIC 3-i: Subtradmp Mixed Numbers Wilhwt Renaming C-46 MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH WITH PIZZAZZ!
BOOK C O Creative Publications w C C-47 mlm w. 42 + + + + mlm mlm hlrn m(2 Log_ $ + + + + TOPIC 3.1: Subtractmg Mixed Numbers with Renam~ng. Llke Denom~nators C-49 TOPIC 3-1 Mental Math Addlllon and Sublract!on MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH WITH PIZZAZZ!
BOOK C O Creative Publications c-89 TOPIC 3.k Subtracl~ng Maxed Numbers wlth Renam~ng (2.48 TOPIC 3-rn. Problem Sainng: Mixed Applications C-50 id 3- 2 Q Il d 8 3 A J) 5 0 I- Lll 8 3 U ANSWERS. • Page 2 and 3: The Authors: Steve Marcy and Janis • Page 4 and 5: 1. NUMBER THEORY Table of Contents • Page 6 and 7: The selection of topics for MIDDLE • Page 8 and 9: Some Friendly Advice SOME 'FRIENDLY • Page 10 and 11: I i b i Why Do Pins Get Lost?