Second Life Tardis Free


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Second Life Tardis Free

So I am likely going to be covering a lot of TARDIS related items throughout this blog, as that is where my main interests veer towards, and they are generally very well done in Second Life. So I suppose one of the first things to do is to explain the different options a prospective TARDIS owner has within Second Life. Car Hoppers Backseat Editions Atlas here. I am going to start with the Hands of Omega TTC system by Sen Pixie, as that is what I am currently using at the moment and already have it set up. Hands of Omega is one of the oldest, and largest manufacturer of TTC's (Time Travel Capsules) in Second Life, their main focus is on roleplay immersion and as such the strength of their systems lays in the Consoles, which, when you buy a HoO, is what your primarily looking. Featured Images in this post are of my current console which is an Archaic Paradox Console, mid Modification. Its fair to point out that the Hands of Omega console rooms are very modder friendly. HoO systems are intended for permanent rezzing, rather than on the fly, and many use their TARDIS as their Second Life home.