Hyperdesk Darkmatter Subspace - Windows 7

Dark Matter SubspaceHyperdesk Theme

Showing results for 'hyperdesk desktop theme' as the words windows 7 are considered too common Hyperdesk - DarkMatter Subspace 1.0 Hyperdesk - DarkMatter Subspace 1.0 is a desktop theme for Windows XP. Sep 23, 2010 Hyperdesk Darkmatter Subspace TheAlmightyhong. How To Get All The Hyperdesk Darkmatter Themes for Free. Hyperdesk Windows 7.

DarkMatter: Subspace contains 2 distinct hyperthemes in both dark and alloy styles, a WMP/iTunes remote Yahoo! Widget featuring mind-blowing animations that have to be seen to be believed, a futuristic icon set that includes 6 different folder sets (vertical and horizontal layouts), a sleek Windows Media player skin that will play video (and audio) and an amazing otherworldly high-resolution wallpaper. Part of the DarkMatter Trilogy of hypersuites. You will need to download the free application, Yahoo! Walther Ppk Serialization here. Widgets to use the hyper-animated audio remote. Now every fan of STAR TREK can own the official STAR TREK Windows 7 desktop theme designed by The Skins Factory's Hyperdesk division. Completely transform Windows 7 with 3 hyperthemes that change your desktop into 1 of 3 Starfleet divisions - Command, Engineering or Sciences.