Download Free Uw Honor Program Deadline Chart

University Of Washington

Faculty honor is awarded upon graduation to undergraduates earning their first bachelor's degree (Post-Baccalaureate students are not eligible) and ranked in the top 10% of their respective program. Undergraduates must earn a minimum of 70 graded credits at UW Bothell with the exception of BSN students, who must earn a minimum of 43 graded credits. Undergraduates qualified for baccalaureate honors are not eligible to receive faculty honors. The GPAs for faculty honors are determined each year for the following year (Autumn through Summer) by the UW Bothell Registrar's Office, based on statistics for the current year. Tomtom One Xl Crack. Cultural Intelligence Living Working Globally Pdf To Excel. The GPA cutoffs may be different for each of the degree programs.

Uw Honors Program Scholarships

GPA Requirements (Autumn 2017-Summer 2018) Program Faculty Honors Business Administration 3.73 Educational Studies 3.93 Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences 3.79 Interactive Media Design 3.68 Nursing and Health Studies 3.93 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (includes Computer Science and Software Engineering) 3.68 All graduates earning faculty honors are given a purple honor cord to wear in the Commencement ceremony and the honor is listed in the commencement bulletin. Honor cord distribution is based upon a student's cumulative GPA as of the winter quarter, since spring and summer quarter grades are not available for this determination (see box at right). However, spring and summer courses are ultimately included in the credit totals and GPA calculations for honors and posted to the student's final record.

Academic Rules and Regulations. Print Options. A student may register for or reduce a program below 12. Credits taken in residence at UW-Green Bay. Carti De Cultura Generala Pdf Viewer. Program Faculty Honors; Business Administration: 3.73. (see chart) Contact Us University of Washington Bothell Box 358500.