Ancillary Files Stata Help


You have found the documentation for package files, so this seems to be a question in the first instance about whether sysuse marches with installations of user-written packages, and the short answer is an emphatic No. Sysuse is intended as a quick-and-easy way for Stata users to access datasets made available by StataCorp to support official commands. I have not tried it, but my guess is that sysuse would work with any dataset so long as that dataset was placed in the directories searched by Stata.

Ancillary Files Stata Help. We must study the behavior of the mean of sample values from different specified populations. Because a sample examines only part of a. Ancillary Files Stata Help. BackgroundThe rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States is higher than in other developed nations. Teenage births result in.

However, I would argue that would be very poor style. When Stata programmers publish a package centred on programs and their help files, they often make test datasets available, but the best standard is to mark such files as ancillary and let users download them to a location of their own choice using net get. As said, this is a choice. The argument can be strengthened. It's best practice to keep StataCorp's own files and other files strictly segregated.

That way, updates and upgrades, copying files to other machines, etc. All are much less likely to get confused or tangled given some clash of names.

Most likely, you might install or reinstall Stata and 'forget' that you had user-written stuff mixed in with StataCorp's own files and waste time trying to find it. In any case, for sysuse to work like this, users would have to install files manually in the place(s) searched by Stata, as Stata's download commmands would not do that automatically. The Very Best Of Shocking Blue Download Hd here. As for 'out-of-the-way', this is not for you to decide. Many users have very strict personal or workplace rules that each project requires quite different directories or folders, so placing files only where they can be found quite deliberately is, in their own terms, a very good idea. Otherwise put, the net get mechanism implies that users decide, carefully or not, where files are to go.

Users also have the scope to manipulate their adopath should they wish to supplement Stata's rules on where it searches. If a user has chosen to install a package, it is quite likely that they want as easy access to the example data that motivates the use of the new commands, as they have to the commands themselves. While I agree with your reasoning about the sysuse command, but there ought to be something like adouse for users who have elected to install packages. The fact that packages documentation explicitly allows for installation of.dta files would seem to imply that 'quite deliberate' is implied by the installation itself. The net get does, however, provide an alternative to local installation. – Apr 7 '14 at 19:23 •.

Ancillary Files Stata HelpAncillary Files Stata Help

If users have installed ado packages that include data files (e.g. As pedagogical examples), then there should be a simple command to load those data into memory a la sysuse. Assuming one had installed package amazing, which includes amazingdata.dta, a command as simple as adouse amazingdata should load it into memory, rather than having to hunt down where the file amazingdata.dta lives. If I as a user installed a package that includes example data, my expectation is that I don't have to take on much extra work to access it.

– Apr 7 '14 at 20:50 •.

Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES [][][][][][] Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES From 'Sergiy Radyakin' To Subject Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES Date Thu, 5 Jun 2008 14:27:23 -0400 My guess would be that anscillary files are copied to the current directory. Often this is the directory where Stata is installed, and this might be protected. Try to cd to a directory where you know you have write access before downloading any such files. Regards, Sergiy On 6/4/08, Viktor Slavtchev wrote: >Hello.

>1) The problem I have is that I am able to download and run user written >stata commands (for example -tmap-) but I am not able to download the >ANCILLARY FILES. I get an error message: >checking gr0008 consistency and verifying not already installed. >cannot write in directory >>r(603); >>Vistapro Renderer Download Adobe. I suspect that it has to do with the security policy on my pc (windows).

I >would like to know in which directory the ANCILLARY FILES are usually >copied. Then I can change it.