1kz Te Cylinder Head Crack Testing
Its pretty well known that the Toyota 1KZ-TE 3L turbo diesels are pretty average when it comes to reliabilty in the head department but does any one know why! Endof the day ya lookin at the ole 202 holden--or 3.3 vicyta or 2 fiddy coon and JUST HOW FAR ya can go upz zee hill in top gear [Kiwi mentality-if itz wkn ya not lookin at zee gauges-k] And with a bottom hosed thermostated engine-ya'll naff it Appens eaps-120 horsen power and 1000 horse cooling on load after (x) miles and lack of maintainence. However there are a few japper heads that have been short on structural lonlglevity But -they always were inherently not that robust-even in the top stat dayze we used to pull em apart and triangle brace and 'O' ring em. Back in the shell sport datsun 120Y! Car Hoppers Backseat Editions Atlas.
Lol-oh and 120y's wern't known fer pinging gskts- BUT 69 HORSEPOWER VERSUS 200 HORSE= Well late model import clogged cooling system NON FAIL SAFE THERMOSTAT and kiwi TUDE. AS in the olde oldenzzzzzz OVERLOADING OR OVERSPEEDING MAY VOID YOUR WARRANTY driver_snoopy221, May 3, 4:53 am. Usually the problem boils down to one of these issues. Owner refuses to believe radiator is blocked and thinks a liquid flush is enough The viscous fan needs adjustment or replace.If you can gear it working then it isn't working as much as it needs to Lack of transmission cooler dumps even more heat into already ineffective cooling systems. A worn torque converter will highlight this even further The factory gauges are very slow to react to increases.This means the clueless layman wont notice until too late.
People believe getting hot is ok as long as it's below the red line. Driver_r15, May 3, 8:01 am. I fitted a old engine in my hilux from 1982. The japanese diesel went down the gurgler in 1988 when they changed the cilinderhead from rocker -rollers.
And slapped on egr. Only drive euro-diesel and guess what not one ever craked a head. The renault is most warnarable to distruction due to its fully alluminium designed engine block. Its design combined with poor R&D that makes toyota diesel heads crack. Worst one is the 3c-t engine fitted to enemas-lucidas they all crap out no matter what you try and do to prevent it. Driver_intrade, May 3, 9:06 am. Windows 7 Webdav Offline Files Greyed on this page. The 1KZ-TE engine (and head) is as reliable and well made as any other good Toyota engine.
There's an issue with 2L-T heads cracking as well (although you don't hear about it much now due to them being quite old). As mentioned above, a lot of it comes down to poor maintenance, failure to ensure coolant is fresh and topped up and not looking after the radiator. As correctly stated above, the cure for it is to fit a larger exhaust. Heat build up in the turbo (not being able to escape away from the head) is the main cause of cracking.
1Kz Te Cylinder Head Crack Check. I would have a cylinder leakdown test done to check if. Sounds like you have the classic cracked cylinder head the 1KZ TE.
Once a bigger exhaust is fitted, no more problems. Driver_studio1, May 3, 10:39 am. Thanks for the replys few good insights and ideas. I can not comment on how it was driven as I was not there 99.9% of the time but I don't think it would have been thrashed or driven in a stupid way as the guys not like that but only he knows I guess.
In this case it isint the cleaness or conditon of the cooling system thats for sure! As the litttle radiator was checked, cleaned & flow tested and the main radiator was re-cored with a brand new core also at the same time an aftermarket trans cooler was fitted and the viscous fan is in good condition. Still the fact is the same thing happens to genuine heads very often but thats an interesting thing about the 'plenty of engine builders have shyed away from STA heads' I would not be surprised really I guess so maybe in this case thats all it is. Just a rubish replacement head. Installing Mantis On Iisr.